Vietnamese investment overseas on the rise in January

Vietnamese investment overseas on the rise in January

Vietnamese businesses poured US$126.7 million into investment projects overseas in January 2023, representing a 3.4-fold rise against the same period from last year, according to the General Statistics Office (GSO).

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Of the total, US$126.6 million was invested in three new projects, marking a 2.9-fold increase compared to last year’s corresponding period.

It’s noteworthy that US$125 million was funneled into the wholesale and retail and repair of automobiles, motorcycles, motorbikes and other motor vehicles. This was followed by health care and social assistance activities with US$1.5 million, as well as the financial, banking, and insurance sector with US$140,400.

The Republic of Korea was the leading recipient of Vietnamese investment with US$125.1 million, trailed by Thailand with US$1.5 million, and Laos with US$140,400.

Source: Vietnamnet

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