CEO Message

CEO Message

First, we would like to sincerely thank our customers and staff for trusting and supporting Tu Mai Logistics during the past time. With dedication and unremitting efforts, we have built a strong and trustworthy business community in the logistics field. From the initial steps to great achievements, together we have overcome difficulties and challenges and brought sustainable values ​​to society.

In this important turning point, I - the General Director of the business, would like to send to customers and staff of Tu Mai Logistics a sincere and meaningful message. We are living in a changing, fast, and complex world and the logistics field is no exception to that trend. I want to ensure that we will always stand firm in the face of every challenge and grow sustainably together.

Bà Hoàng Thị Thúy Giang (Mrs.Emma) - Tổng giám đốc Tu Mai Logistics

Ms. Hoang Thi Thuy Giang (Mrs.Emma) - General Director of Tu Mai Logistics

Over the years, we have witnessed strong development of businesses and partners. We not only provide optimal solutions to complex transportation problems but also actively contribute to the development of related industries. All of these achievements would not be possible without the dedicated support from our customers and the significant contributions of our dedicated, professional and enthusiastic staff.

At the same time, we should not be complacent with what has been achieved. The world is constantly changing and only businesses that are flexible, creative and always looking for ways to improve can survive and grow. We must always maintain a willingness to accept change and continuously improve to continue to better meet the increasingly complex needs of our customers. Along with promoting the application of 4.0 technology into operational processes, we will together create breakthrough utilities, improve performance and enhance competitiveness for customers and businesses.

Not only focusing on business development, at Tu Mai Logistics, we always uphold the importance of implementing a working environment of solidarity, trust and mutual respect. We are a united family, where each individual has the opportunity to develop and contribute ideas. We will continue to create conditions for all Tu Mai Logistics employees to maximize their abilities, passion and capacity in a fair and trustworthy environment.

Đội ngũ nhân viên tận tâm, nhiệt huyết của Tú Mai Logistics

Tu Mai Logistics always wants to build a working environment of solidarity, trust and mutual respect

Finally, I would like to send my sincere gratitude to our customers and business partners. We are a reliable partner, friend and companion every step of the way. We aim for a common goal - creating great and sustainable values ​​for the community and society. I commit that Tu Mai Logistics will always listen to customers' feedback and constantly improve to meet all requirements more thoroughly.

Tạo sự tin cậy, hợp tác tốt với Quý khách hàng

Tu Mai Logistics always wants to create the best trust and cooperation

to our customers

In conclusion, I would like to share my pride and deep emotions about the journey we have gone through together and hope that we will continue to join hands to build new, more sustainable and comprehensive successes. We are teammates, we are a family and together we reach a majestic and promising future. Thank you for always accompanying Tu Mai Logistics on this journey!

messenger Zalo